วันเสาร์ที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Internet for education.

       1. The importance of Internet use for education.
Education plays an important role in creating equal opportunity. To provide all children an opportunity to work with the computer network and access resources on the Internet. That are important in creating a future path to equality. Technology also allows schools an opportunity to access a limitless source of knowledge, efficiency and new educational opportunities for disadvantaged children. And the reason that makes note of the importance of using the Internet for education. And benefits to teachers and students will receive Internet is important in education as follows: (Pairoj relieved. 2543: 7-9).
     1. The internet is a complete communication tool. Because the ability to communicate with Internet tools such as electronic mail (E-mail) group (Newsgroup) and a conference network, so the students can communicate with a remote query directly to the specialist content websites. Or send your questions to the group and answered by the content specialists worldwide. In addition, schools can also use the website to communicate more efficiently and effectively. By providing teaching and learning activities add to the holiday home also inform the library can also use the information on the Internet with ease.
     2. Internet makes learning easy collaboration between teachers and educational personnel, including students, teachers and students. Students and teachers. Students or teachers and content experts. (Subject-Matter Expert), as well as content experts and content specialists.
     3. Internet offers real world data in the form of learning.
     4. Internet suitable for class The students have different abilities.
     5. Internet reduce cultural differences between ethnic and gender

The importance of this custom. Resulting in the learning look like in the Information Age.
     1) the flexibility of time and place.
     2) Students are eager Seek knowledge and find valuable information.
     3) unlimited virtual resources.
     4) Students take part in setting goals for learning.
     5) The teacher becomes a consultant. To bring students to the discovery of information and knowledge.
     6) The student group does not form rigid To work independently or in small groups.
     7) the school is the gateway to the vast world.
     8) The assessment will be continued. Based on the purposes and objectives of each student.

       2. Using the Internet for education. Internet has created many ways for many applications such as education (Literacy. 2540: 26-27).        1. A world of virtual (Virtual Reality) three-dimensional motion analysis made. Students must feel like to catch. A form of learning scenarios. Students can use mouse clicks to turn virtual objects. More detail in other parts of the virtual material.        2. Library Virtual (Virtual Library) students use the library to find books like that fact that the library collection, library and information contained in this together. Especially in searching information on the contents list of topics (Subject Catalogue) is separated. Subject to various Chieng easy to stand and links to research material that is not just a boring characters. But there is lively.        3. Books Electronics (Electronics Book) Click to open the document in the form of hypertext documents and the hyper media. Provide access to relevant information linked to fast. Equipped with multimedia information in electronic books. This is a medium of learning that students can learn at a time and place of their convenience.        4. The desire of (Education on Demands) nature of the request of the head of organized learning experience in teaching students gather to play Well on a subject to learn from the computer. Service tapes, video or a video server, Video Server) disc compact discs (CD-ROM Server) and computer assisted instruction (CAI Server) by the students browse the internet as a convenience to students in the review. lessons outside of school hours. The time.          5. Distance education. (Tele-Education) Distance Education via the network. Allow students and instructors can communicate to. Distance education is no geographical and time barriers. Students can access learning resources at the school by both the knowledge and access to student teaching. To review progress and obstacles in learning more easily.        6. Sources of information (Information Resource) and click the link to the same data. According to the source address of the home page with different browser to make. Internet as a hub of information that many        7. Media Education (Tools) to display information on the Internet. (Presentation) in several formats. And the information presented interesting and easy to make presenters more. It also features a computer-assisted instruction in multimedia lessons. 

